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I see that you want to know about me! Here is a preview:


I am Harini Subramanian, a senior at Dunlap High School. I am a typical teenager, who binge watches tv shows, procrastinates on homework and feeds off of technology.
If I could point out one unique thing about me, it is that I was not born alone.
I have an identical twin sister named Harshini. You might be wondering why I bolded “identical” or not. But here is why; it’s because we are not just biologically identical, but we are identical in every sort of way-- starting from favorite tv shows to strengths and weaknesses. You might think, “Awh, that is sooooooo cute!”
-But, that’s not the case. 
To put it in vision, let’s say that I cannot solve a math problem. I could just go ask Harshini for help, but chances are she cannot solve it either because we are essentially the same person in two different bodies.
To make things a little bit more complicated, our mother made us dress alike until our freshman year, “Aww! Cu-”
-No! It wasn’t. 
We were the “look alike think alike” in middle school.

I could talk about twin life all day long, but I only said a preview! Stay tuned to find out more

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